The Adventures of Sir Willard
The detailed chronicles of the Most Noble Willard Milton Romney of the Massachusetts Commonwealth, aspirant to the position of Chief Administrator of the American Republic.
Peasants wishing to mock the accomplished noble can refer to the "The Adventures of Sir Willard" tag, where all of his exploits can be found, in chronological order.
Alabama Electric Bingo Boogaloo
A running record of corruption and injustice surrounding Alabama's electric bingo fiasco.
- Electronic Bingo Boogaloo: Alabama's Ongoing Gambling Saga.
- Electronic Bingo Boogaloo II: Favors, Kickbacks and Corruption.
- Electronic Bingo Boogaloo III: Raids, Raids and More Raids.
- Every Dog Has Its Day.
- Electronic Bingo Boogaloo IV: The Wheels On The Bus Are Falling Off.
- Electronic Bingo Boogaloo V: The Long Con.
- Electronic Bingo Boogaloo VI: The Beat Goes On.
All About Alabama
My home state. A running record of all the significant crap that happens in the "Heart of Dixie" not covered in any other series.
- Adventures in Environmental Disaster.
- Adventures In Bad Policy: Mexican Edition
- The Northern Beltline, Urban Sprawl And You.
- The Ballads Of Larry Langford and Jefferson County, Alabama.
- The Shameful Saga Of Don Siegelman.
Birmingham's Civic Anemia
An analysis of the city of Birmingham's past and current woes, and how to best fix them.
An analysis of the city of Birmingham's past and current woes, and how to best fix them.