Random Thoughts.

Courtesy Simon Shareef of Random Refractions

I've spent some time looking through many of the post-verdict tweets on the Zimmerman trial on my Twitter feed. Most were dominated by a sense of mournful resignation, indignation and the usual calls of support and action. It's the knowledge that most people will invariably move on and largely forget this tragedy save for an occasional reminder or two that gets to me.

To the point, the anger expressed on Twitter and other social media outlets is little more than a safety valve for feelings that would have been bottled up and spilled out into the streets. Perhaps that's why I didn't hear much about those riots the folks at Fox News and the like were clamoring over. Perhaps that's why everything seemed so subdued and somber.

It was like attending the funeral of justice itself. The casket goes into the ground and all we're left with are our memories. Next up is the case of Jordan Davis and his murder at the hands of Michael Dunn. Another young black life ended by a malicious and entitled white male with a firearm. It's the same song and dance. Not even a remix in sight to break up the monotony.

Trayvon Martin didn't get a jury of his peers. But George Zimmerman did. In the end, that was all that mattered. I didn't have the stomach to look at the pro-Zimmerman comments and tweets - perhaps another time.

As far as the case goes, the only avenue left to Sybrina Fulton and family is to aim for the pocketbooks and go the route of the civil lawsuit. Even if the Zimmermans were left to ponder an impoverished future and the city of Sanford, Florida left with a temporary hole in its budget, it'd still be a hollow victory. Zimmerman's death at the hands of an enraged vigilante would not be legitimate justice - at best, it would be a klaxon for the unreconstructed to met out retribution of their own.

Perhaps God will be, as He's often cited as, the ultimate arbiter of justice at the end of the line, when everyone's called to account for their deeds during their life. Perhaps the final promise of justice at the hands of the Almighty is all that's left.