Watch The Last Presidential Debate Live.

I know, I know. I haven't even offered an analysis of the last presidential debate. So many people have done a better job of that, that it seemed like it wasn't worth doing.

In short, President Obama followed Crazy Joe Biden's lead and dragged Mittens around the stage by the ears on a great many issues, especially on Benghazi. I'd like to see more of that in this debate. After all, it deals largely with foreign policy.

And because yours truly is dealing with a monumental work load outside of the blogosphere, I most likely won't be attempting anything resembling a live tweet of the debates. Instead, I simply leave you with this live broadcast of the final 2012 presidential debate (which will soon be replaced with an archived version after the live broadcast ends).

We can only hope that the verbal blunders keep rolling in on Mitt's side. I wouldn't mind seeing "binders full of women" being turned into an autotuned rap song at some point.