It Begins...

Update: Police are increasing their presence in north Tulsa after an apparent shooting spree Friday morning.

Police have labeled the overnight violence as 'unprecedented' in Tulsa after 5 people were shot and three of those victims died.

Here are the names of the three shooting victims killed in what investigators call an "unprecedented" shooting spree overnight.

Det. Sgt. Dave walker identifies the dead as:
Dannaer Fields B/F DOB 11-03-1962 killed at 1045 E 51PN
Bobby Clark B/M DOB 09-10-1957 killed at 300 W 63 SN
William Allen B/M DOB 04-13-1980 killed at 801 E 36 SN.

He says police now believe they may be looking for a white male in a white pickup.
All of the victims were on foot in the early morning hours.

Sgt. Walker says, "Asking the public to be aware of their safety when they're out and about. Obviously these crimes happened early in the morning from midnight to three a.m. So, if you're out and about at those times and you're out on the street, you shouldn't stop for anybody anyway, especially a car that pulls up."
Several members of the Tulsa chapter of the NAACP gathered at a north Tulsa church Friday evening for an emergency meeting to discuss what police have characterized as a possible "shooting spree" that targeted five people early Friday morning.

As news spread that the police are looking for a white man in connection with the shootings of five black people, people began saying they believe the shootings were racially motivated.

KRMG spoke with Tulsa City Councilor Jack Henderson as the meeting continued in the 2200 block of N. Peoria Avenue.
When asked if people in the community felt that the shooter or shooters were deliberately targeting black people, he replied "yes, absolutely."

He told KRMG the "word on the street is that this person would drive up to people walking, ask for directions, and when they would turn away, walk away, begin firing. That's truly a concern, and anybody would be (ill) at ease if you knew this was going on."

Color arousal is a hell of a thing. Here's hoping that this sick individual is caught before more lives are lost.