'Corporations are people, my friend.'

The above comes from former Massachusetts governor and current GOP nomination candidate Mitt Romney, as he was being heckled during one of his campaign stops in Iowa. Beautiful bean footage found below, for your viewing pleasure:


I never liked the whole concept of "corporations as people." It's a bit inexplicable how a vast corporate body consisting of dozens, hundreds or even thousands of people ranging from corporate executives and shareholders to middle management and the janitorial staff (provided they haven't been outsourced with temps) can be called, at least with a straight face, a "person." But the Supreme Court managed to do just that, and if the supreme law of the land says so, well...

With corporate personhood comes corporate contributions, which have been flooding Capitol Hill like the tsunami that battered Japan a while back. And when politicians take corporate contributions, they end up being beholden to corporate interests, to the dismay of ordinary citizens who can't buy their state senator a $2,000 dinner and promise them a cushy "advisory" job after their political career is over. Corporations can just write all of that off as an expense, using all of the tax loopholes at their disposal to make such expenses null and void. And with the right loopholes, they can even make a profit from it.

If corporations are people, wouldn't the most logical conclusion be corporations themselves stepping into the political arena? Perhaps something the likes of this?

I can't wait for Wal-Mart or Nike to become directly involved in this nation's politics, for their own self-interests. Too bad they'll continue using congressmen and lobbyists as proxies for molding and shaping the country for their corporate interests.

And too bad the American people will continue to not matter, simply because they can't buy their political representatives a steak or three.